House of Freedom

As a Gnostic priest, a mystic, a claircognizant, I don’t claim to have all the answers. No one does. My Hermetic teacher, Roger Weir, used to say, back in the 1980s and 1990s, “We don’t know what’s coming so we have to be prepared to be prepared.” That was like a Zen Koan back then. Now in the year 2022 we still don’t know what’s coming but we are much closer to the horizon. The Melchizedek Guides channeled by Paul Selig say we can’t prepare. Instead, we need only say Yes to the uncertain moment. We don’t know what’s coming because we haven’t created it yet. The aboriginal peoples always said this is a dream being dreamt by the dreamers. Quantum Physics now tells us this material world is a reflection of greater dimensions of reality. The Gnostics said, as above, so below. In the personal development community, we toyed for many years with creating your own reality. But that idea was being practiced by minds that still saw themselves as separate. We are not separate. We are living in a collective dream, and we now each need to wake up from this dream of scarcity, fear, greed, and self-serving-ness to create the critical shift for the all of humanity. Because we truly have the power to create a world grounded in Love, abundance, reciprocity, and cooperation.
Prayer Spiral​
Prayer Spiral​
These are precarious times. We find ourselves at the end of an aeon with the burning embers of an aged Phoenix turning to ash. We are in a critical epidemic of fear and hypnosis, relying on drugs to help us “feel” real. Children can no longer learn within old patterns of teaching and teachers are hard pressed to find new ways to educate. Allopathic medicine can no longer serve health and wellness, only disease management. The Pharmaceutical model is racing to prove itself, unsuccessfully. Top military secrets are being exposed engendering wild conspiracy theories that are pecking at bits of information like chickens in a yard. And hearts are struggling to keep pace. Authoritarian structures can no longer repress the ineffable urge of humanity to flourish. The raw beginnings of a new aeon show forth, pushing through in every area of life: People are saving heirloom seeds and restoring soil, growing their own food to circumvent the monolithic monocrops that destroy the very soil that sustains us; holistic healing gains momentum despite efforts to repress it. Communities are gathering in support of one another, and in support of fearless humane cooperation and reciprocity.

"When we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves."

Deeper dimensions in consciousness expose old hierarchical structures to be no more than games. The spirit of our time is calling out, “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” “All the world is a stage;” the conscious person now moves to step off the stage. What we might have thought was reality turns out to be no more than a board game, and real humanity grows bored with board games. A faith in something more burgeons, beyond limiting systems of control. During the Vietnam War there was a slogan, “What if they gave a war and nobody came?” I invite you to discover: what if you stepped off the game you thought was your life? What if the essence of your life is something much more gorgeous, dazzling, and fulfilling? What if you let go of the game, the hypnosis you thought was your karma, your lot in life, the cross you were born to bear? What if you abandoned fear to discover that you can create your work, your purpose in the world, in much deeper alignment to that which is Real, and come to witness how the Real dwarfs the games by a ratio of the cosmos to a small blue dot that revolves around a sun—a planet known as Terra, the planet on which we live.

house of freedom
house of freedom

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